Thursday, July 16, 2009

How Does Diet and Exercise Affect Your Health and Aging

How Does Diet and Exercise Affect Your Health and Aging?

We cannot possibly stop the aging process. Certain decisions will help us stay healthy as we age:

Keep Yourself Moving
Staying physically fit is probably the single most important thing you can do. Find an activity you enjoy and will do daily. Walking, swimming, dancing are all activities that help keep you physically fit.
Raise your heart rate,if you do it correctly, will help keep your heart and lungs healthy while at the same time making your muscles stronger.
How Does Diet and Exercise Affect Your Health? ...Always Eat Right
What you eat affects many aspects of your health. Following the proper diet is absolutely necessary.

Proper nutrition is essential every single day. Eat regular meals and try to avoid too many unhealthy snacks. Consider taking good nutritional vitamin supplements.
Do not skip meals as this tends to make your body weak and gives you a feeling of hunger, which results in overeating at the next meal or downing an unhealthy snack.

Eat a good amount of fruits and vegetables everyday. Not only do they taste good, they also help you fight off heart disease and stroke. Eating fruit and vegetables can also help you control high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Get Regular Testing
Visit your doctor often. They can help access your health and keep you updated as to what tests you need, how often you need them, monitor your medications and advise you as to the type of exercise that might be best for you.

Get a yearly physical exam after you reach age fifty is highly recommended by the medical institution. Your doctor may want you to have an exam more often if your health problems warrant it.

How Does Diet and Exercise Affect Your Health?...Manage Stress
Stress is unavoidable. There is no way to totally eliminate it but you can learn to control it and not let it take over your life. Regular exercise and healthy eating can help you control stress.

Aging is unavoidable but it doesn't mean it needs to be a bad thing. You can do some of the things we have talked about and keep yourself healthy and upbeat. Meet age head on and conquer it.

Good health is essential to the success of any individual. To see how you can join me in creating health and wealth for the masses, visit here.

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Why is Nutrition Important?

Why is nutrition important?

Nutritional deficiency in people is more serious than we realize, as many as 2 out of every 3 deaths can be traced to nutritional and dietary deficiencies and/or overweight conditions.

The leading causes of death in Western countries are heart attack, stroke and cancer. Diabetes, osteoporosis, fatigue, digestive problems, stress, headaches, obesity, and other health conditions are mostly due to lack of proper nutrition. This is why nutrition is important.

Over 2 million premature deaths each year are due to nutrition related diseases with over 70% of premature deaths and doctor visits being diet and nutrition related.

Some of the common problems in diets are deficiencies in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and trace elements, as well as excesses in total/animal fat, total calories, salt and sugar.

The body needs cellular nutrition to be healthy. Within the body, the 80 - 100 trillion cells need protein, minerals, oxygen and water to live properly. Both health and disease begin with the cell. The cells are the living units that create life.
More reasons why nutrition is important: cells need to grow, reproduce, detoxify and function. Cells begin to break down when you don't get proper nutrition. When enough cells break down, you start to feel the symptoms and if enough break down, it can lead to death.

What Keeps Cells From Getting Good Nutrition?

A certain amount of the problem can be traced to the way food is grown and harvested. Chemicals, fertilizers, over processing/over refining of foods- e.g. instant foods, high fat/sugar foods, foods that have been processed to make them tastier, have a longer shelf life, etc. all contribute to extra calories, salt and sugar and destroy vitamins and minerals.

4 bowls of spinach today = the iron from 1 bowl in 1930. This conclusively shows that our soils are being depleted.

The way we prepare our foods also leads to the lack of nutrition. We tend to over cook foods, thus taking away the minerals, vitamins and essential oils, robbing our bodies of the things that we need for proper health.

60% of Western culture chooses to eat junk food; which is high in fat, sugar, salt and calories. It is almost devoid of any nutritional value. Before it gets in your mouth, it is already depleted of vitamins.

Even more reasons why nutrition is important. We must somehow provide nourishment to our cells in order to stay healthy and slow down the aging process. Food needs to be digested, broken down into a useful micronutrient form and absorbed by the intestine, before any of the nutrition gets to the cells. This does not happen when you eat processed foods like instant foods, fast foods, etc., because the nutrients are destroyed in these foods. Also, these foods are high in salt, sugar and trans fats, which can slowly but surely deteriorate your body.

Do You Crave Salt or Sugar?

If you are deficient in minerals, you will crave salt. If you are deficient in vitamins, you will crave sugar. This is your body's way of telling you what it needs. Give your body what it needs by eating non-processed foods, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Also take a nutritional health supplements to make sure your body is getting the necessary nutrients.

Good nutritional health supplements are essential to the success of any individual. To see how you can join me in a free home based business opportunity which is creating health and wealth for the masses, visit my website.

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Phytochemicals Complete a Balanced Healthy Diet

Our diet more than ever before contains fatty processed foods and less natural plant based foods. The effects of this growing trend can be seen in the awful statistics on Alzheimer's Disease, cancer, Atherosclerosis, Diabetes, Parkinson's Disease, heart disease, stroke and many other degenerative diseases.

Consumption of high fat foods obviously brings with it many problems, but the high intake of protein and simple carbohydrates creates an inadequate consumption of plant-based foods which have many health giving benefits. Plant based foods provide Phytochemicals which help with a balanced healthy diet.

Most people know that by eating plant-based foods that all essential fiber, vitamins and minerals are being added to our diets. What is not known so well is the many benefits of the phytochemicals that these plants can provide for a balanced healthy diet.

Phytochemicals come in several forms and different vegetables have higher concentrations of a particular phytochemical than others. Some of the main phytochemicals include:

  • Flavonoids: citrus fruits, onions, cabbage, cucumber, parsley, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, soybeans and berries.

  • Isoflavones: Found in soy, peas, beans and legumes.

  • Lignans: Found in walnuts, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds and many other nuts and seeds.

  • Carotenoids: Found in leafy greens, broccoli, carrots, pumpkin, squash, sweet potato and yams.

  • Indioles:Found in brussels sprouts, cauliflower, turnips, bok choy, broccoli, cabbage and kale.

  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Found in walnuts and flaxseeds.

  • Plant Sterols: Found in squash, soybeans, peppers, tomatoes, cucumber and broccoli.

The list above is only a small segment of the entire phytochemical family which encompasses a very large and extensive range of nutrients.

What are the Benefits of Phytochemicals For a Balanced Healthy Diet?

Phytochemicals act in many ways to help your body in combating disease and health problems such as:

  • Protecting the cells by blocking carcinogens that try to enter the cell walls.

  • Fighting the malignant changes within cells that have already been penetrated by carcinogens.

  • Boosting enzyme activity to increase the benefits of the various protective enzymes consumed within the diet.

  • Combining with numerous vitamins to boost antioxidants activity to scavenge free radicals before they can cause damage within the body.

It is not necessary to know the names and benefits of the large range of phytochemicals that exist, what is important is to understand that maintaining a balanced healthy diet that contains a variety of fruits and vegetables will combine the benefits of the phytochemicals and vitamins to help you achieve your best health.

In addition to a balanced healthy diet, it is essential to take good nutritional health supplements that use extracts of fruits and vegetables, that way you can make sure that you are getting the necessary Phytochemicals everyday.

By reducing your high fat/processed food intake, increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables and taking good nutritional health supplements you will greatly reduce your chances of falling victim to the ever-growing list of degenerative diseases which plague the general population today as a result of following a typical western diet.

It is not only the damaging effects of high fat, high sugar foods in the western diet that allow cancer, heart disease etc. to develop, but the absence of the protective phytochemicals that are only found in plant foods.

So eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, stay away from high fat processed foods and take good nutritional health supplements. Arm yourself with an army of phytochemicals to fight the damaging effects of free radicals and carcinogens that will give you a level of health that most people will envy.

Good nutrition and good health are essential to the success of any individual. To see how you can join me in creating health and wealth for the masses, visit: my website.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Nutritional Health Supplements Have Multiple Benefits

Immune system boosting techniques can contribute enormously in keeping you healthy. People with poor immunity levels often tend to contract many illnesses and often suffer for a longer duration than healthy individuals.

More than 187 million consumers in the year 2005 depended on daily nutritional health supplements to obtain the nutrients missing from their daily diet... nutrients that are needed to attain and maintain optimum health.

In a 2005 the Dietary Supplement Education Alliance (DSEA) found in a that certain dietary supplements helped seniors to live longer and enjoy more independent lives.

The Dietary Supplement Informaton Bureau (DSIB) also reported that nutritional health supplements help people live longer, healthier lives.

Healthcare costs can also be lowered with the help of nutritional health supplements which enable better health by receiving proper nutrients that are needed in the body for immune system boosting techniques.

A health claim for omega-3 fatty acids was recently issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA. Several other dietary supplements are scheduled to be added to the list in the near future.

Qualified health claims for dietary supplements are now being released to the public. Preventative care seems to be more widely accepted and practiced as healthcare costs and health insurance skyrocket.

Most individuals can potentially benefit from the use of nutritional health supplements. The following supplements may be of value to the immune system:

  • Vitamin E may reduce free radical damage and cut the risk of diabetes, and cancer.
  • Vitamin A helps support mucous membranes, and the skin.
  • Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant to cells, and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer.
  • Coenzyme Q10 may help generate energy for metabolism.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids benefit the heart and the nervous system.
  • Selenium may help protect against prostate cancer and is known as an anti-aging nutrient.

Individuals who use dietary supplements can save themselves money, save the healthcare system money, and in general have a more healthy and productive life.

Always Remember...You still have to eat a balanced healthy diet. Get as many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids in your diet as is possible. But, you can also consider taking nutritional health supplements to make-up for what is lacking. Soil depletion and other environmental deficiencies are very prevelent and taking dietary supplements is a good way to make sure that you get all the nutrition you may need

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Our Soils Are Depleted of Vitamins and Minerals

Bad Nutrition has become sadly common in our modern fast paced lives. This health crisis has been growing at a rapid rate since the early 1900's. Of particular concern are people on weight loss diets.

Chronic diseases caused by bad nutrition have reached epidemic proportions. Most people over 40 will suffer from one or more of these chronic diseases by the time they reach retirement. Diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, and vision loss are usually triggered from a lack of proper nutrition.

For decades the medical community discredited the nutrition experts when they mentioned the importance a balnced healthy diet as a basis of good health.

Then came a real shocker.

In the June 19, 2002 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association they announced: "Sub optimal intake of vitamins should be seen as a risk factor for chronic disease, especially in the elderly."

This tells us that today our food contains MUCH LESS nutrition and yet our needs for vitamins and minerals are MUCH GREATER than ever before in human history.

Here are some simple steps to take if you really and truly want to be health:

PLANTS ARE THE ONLY SOURCE OF ALL VITAMINS AND MINERALS FOR ALL LIVING CREATURES. Even animals that eat nothing but meat get the vitamins they need from somewhere down the food chain - from an animal or fish that eats plants.

PLANTS CREATE BODY-READY VITAMINS AND MINERALS FROM NUTRIENTS IN THE SOIL. The richer the soil, the more vitamins and minerals will be found packed into the plants. If vegetables are grown in poor soil they will have far lower levels of vitamins and minerals.

SOILS ARE BECOMING SAND and Are BECOMING DEPLETED AT A VERY RAPID RATE. Commercial farming really started to expand as the ability to transport the produce to new markets increased with trains and then trucks. This was a boon for consumers because they no longer had to grow their own vegetables. They could enjoy produce that was either out-of-season or wasn't able to grown in their own geographical area.

As commercial growers keep using the same fields year after year, the soils are losing more and more of their rich nutrients. As soils deplete, so does the vitamin and mineral content of the vegetables grown in that soil.

Chemical companies have come to their aid by providing chemicals that will force the plants to grow in poor soil.

There are a couple of problems with this:

The vegetables look great but contain far less vitamins and minerals they once did. They also absorb some of these chemicals and our bodies need even more vitamins to compensate for these toxins.

The vegetables we consume today give us far less nutrients than 100 years ago - yet we still need an abundance of them.

Genetic engineers have created vegetables that are more disease resistant, that grow faster, are more visually attractive, and are easier to harvest. For example: a new tomato was developed for growers primarily to take a 5-mile-per-hour impact from the faster picking machines and it has a very tough skin - you've more than likely have had some. Nothing is being done to increase the nutrient levels of the plants - or to enrich the soil.

Some vegetables and most fruits you buy in the store are picked before they're ripe, and often chemically treated so they ripen on the way to the grocer's shelf. This gives the produce a lot longer shelf life - less waste. As you probably know, produce picked at its ripe peak contains maximum nutrients - but spoil quickly. Vine ripened, fresh produce can be quite unprofitable for the grower and grocer.

On top of all this, consider the higher levels of air and water pollution, lower oxygen levels in the air we breath, and our fast paced, fast food societies of today. You can easily see that our wonderfully created bodies are being taxed to the max - and need more protection than ever before.


1. Make fresh, whole fruits, vegetables, and grains a larger part of your daily diet. These are the absolute best quality vitamins and minerals you can buy. Eat them raw, uncooked as much as possible. If necessary, cook the vegetables slowly at low heat to keep the nutrients at the highest possible levels. Simply put - the less processing the better. Most people do not eat even the minimum recommended amounts, yet we all need much more than that today.

2. Look for organically grown produce at your grocery store or health food store. Generally this produce will contain the much higher levels of nutrients - as they did a century ago - without the chemicals. They will however cost more but there are a LOT MORE nutrients and a much more succulent flavor than commercially grown produce.

3. Grow some of your own produce whether it is in a yard garden, patio pots, or inside the home in window pots. It's fun, very easy, decorative, puts oxygen in the air and the taste and nutrition is much better than store-bought.

4. No matter how perfect our healthy diet is, we ALL need to invest in GOOD nutritional health supplements today. Even nutrition experts, who eat an "ideal" diet, take vitamin supplements. Liquid vitamins are the best as the body more readily absorbs the nutrients.

You'll find good quality nutrtional health supplements at most reputable vitamin or health food stores. Best bet however is to buy online for the best price and selection of high quality vitamin supplements.

If we don't have good health at retirement, nothing else will matter. Nutritional health supplements are, by far, the cheapest health insurance and wisest retirement plan we can invest in. Click Here to Read More..